INSCYD's self administered field tests, coupled with their Power Performance Decoder (PPD) software, generate a comprehensive metabolic profile that provides data savvy athletes with the most current physiological metrics out there. Used by professional triathletes and UCI World Tour cycling teams, now available to you. Fine tune your training, pacing and nutritional strategies to take your performance to the next level.
Quantify and track your
- Vo2 max : - Maximum vol. of 02 that can be utilized, the size of your engine
- VLamax : Maximum rate of lactate production, the lower the better for endurance athletes
- Anaerobic Threshold : Maximum intensity at which you are at lactate steady state
- Lactate combustion : Track how your combustion and production rates respond to training

Fat & Carb Max
FatMax - that power/ pace at which you are most effectively combusting fat as your fuel source. Endurance athletes train to increase this.
CarbMax is that power/ pace at which 60 - 90g of carbohydrate is being oxidized. Above this intensity, you're utilizing carbohydrate quicker than you can replenish it.

Lactate Combustion
Lack of Pyruvate - That power/pace at which you are maximally combusting Pyruvate (lactate). This metric is useful to dial in the time and intensity of recovery intervals between work bouts.
Lactate accumulation - The relationship between intensity and accumulation rate is used to calculate the ideal interval duration and intensity according to the desired training stimulus.
Get tested
Find out your individual metrics
Coaching Consult
SGD 00
- Included with coaching package
- Application of test data
- Training and fuelling strategies
- Race day pacing
- 60 - 90 mins
- Detailed analysis
- Application of test data
- Training and fuelling strategies
- Race day pacing
- 60 - 90 mins